The Marriage Weekend is just a few weeks away! As the date approaches, availability may change. If you’re interested in attending, please call our office to check current availability. We look forward to hearing from you!
Phone - 250.992.8830
Email -
Registration price includes conference fees as well as two nights accommodation.
Victoria BC | $750
Friday, February 21 - 7-9pm
Saturday, February 22 - 9am-5pm
Sunday, February 23 - 9am-12:30pm
The Weekend Getaway is a marriage conference uniquely designed to enrich your relationship. For most couples it’s a chance to reconnect, re-establish the foundation and rekindle romance. For others, it’s a fresh start. For some, it will be the weekend that saves a marriage.
Wherever you’re at in your relationship, this retreat is a weekend to remember. The atmosphere is relaxed and warm, even fun. You’ll hear from real couples doing real life together… God’s way. You’ll be given time to process what you’re learning, just between the two of you (there’s no group sharing expected). And together, you’ll make a plan for a marriage that lasts a lifetime.